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56 Seconds


In his first book as a 31-year veteran of the Ottawa Police Service, Syd tells the gripping real life story of how his life took a dramatic turn in just 56 seconds.

ISBN: 978-0-9881316-1-3 (E-pub version)
ISBN: 978-0-9881316-0-6 (Print version)

Note: free shipping within Canada

How to Survive PTSD and Build Peer Support


This book features:

  • New sections, including expanded experiences from our Spouses, and sincere and heart-felt “Survivor’s Testimonials” on how to live with and move on in life with PTSD
  • Insight & training points to address building resilience to trauma
  • 5 key questions to ensure the well-being of employees, including retired members, in relation to trauma and PTSD
  • How to build Peer Support – based on Syd’s 25 years’ experience as founder of a peer support group for officers involved in fatal or near fatal work related incidents
  • And so much more!

ISBN: 978-0-9881316-5-1 (E-pub version)
ISBN: 978-0-9881316-4-4 (Print version)

Note: free shipping within Canada

Slay the Toxic Dragon


Slay The Toxic Dragon is a must read and a must have for anyone either in a leadership role, or anyone who aspires to be the leader that they were born to be.”
Pete Grande, Director-Member Benefits, Toronto Police Association


ISBN: 978-0-9881316-9-9 (E-pub version)
ISBN: 978-0-9881316-8-2 (Print version)

Note: free shipping within Canada

Testimony After Trauma


Testimony After Trauma

Preparing Public Safety Personnel
Before, During and After the Courts

Initial and critical insights into the area of lived experience of testifying in court. An examination of the role of those who testify in a court proceeding and those who support them. Specifically, this information is intended to help Public Safety Personnel members after they have encountered or experienced a traumatic event because of their duties at work.

Walk the Talk – First Responder Peer Support


The book everyone has been asking for. Developed by using over 55 years of experience and knowledge by two titans in the peer support and trauma management world and best-known speakers on police trauma survival. Staff Sergeant (ret’d.) Brad McKay co-founder of the York Regional Quad-Services Critical Incident and Peer Support Teams and Staff Sergeant (ret’d.) Sylvio (Syd) Gravel, M.O.M., co-founder of the Ottawa Police Service’s Robin’s Blue Circle – an informal post shooting trauma peer team in existence since 1988.


ISBN: 978-0-9881316-7-5(E-pub version)
ISBN: 978-0-9881316-6-8 (Print version)

Note: free shipping within Canada